Good survey research enables companies to confirm their actual vs. perceived strengths and performance gaps; to take action with focus, clarity, and confidence; and to measure their progress over time. Every company is unique. We measure what is important to YOU by using completely customized surveys that balance the use of sound survey methodology with the specific objectives of our clients.
Because of our extensive knowledge, education, and experience in survey creation and statistical analysis, you can feel confident that the research process will yield reliable data. And we present the results in a way that is practical, relevant, and actionable—providing a springboard for data-supported action planning and execution.
Survey Types
Employee Satisfaction & Engagement Surveys
ProActive Consulting has differentiated itself in the marketplace due to our proven track record of gaining employee trust in the survey process. The result? An increase both the quantity and quality of participation, and complete confidence that the results are truly representative of the population being surveyed. We work with your leadership team to develop a survey and process that reliably measures what’s important to you.
Customer Satisfaction Surveys
Customer loyalty is the lifeblood of all businesses. The best advice on improving your business comes not from accountants, marketing specialists, or other business consultants, but from your customers. Our survey process provides you with vital information about your customers, including why they choose you, what they expect, and what other alternatives they may be considering. We frequently conduct mail, e-mail, web-based, telephone, and face-to-face surveys for our clients. Survey your entire customer base or just a sampling? Conduct follow-up interviews? Provide incentives to participate..? Our staff guides your company through the survey decision making process.
Safety Perception Survey
Regardless of how many safety measures you have in place, your safety performance is dictated by one thing—your people. Leading safety practitioners realize that implementing measures to guide work practices, machinery, behaviors, processes, etc., can only go so far in preventing injuries. Once your safety performance plateaus, it is necessary to measure the human element. If you want to ensure you’re getting the greatest return on your safety efforts, you must understand how your people “perceive” your safety message and how they behave… even when you’re not looking! Survey data provides leading-indicator measures of safety performance– those measures that bring about substantial safety improvements.
Download Spec SheetNeeds Assessment
Thinking of offering a new employee benefit? Different training resources? Making changes to your communication channels? Before spending time, money, and resources making changes in your organization, get the facts. A needs assessment can provide the data you need to ensure that the changes you’re making cut to the heart of the matter, will be on target, and will provide a return-on-investment. Don’t guess. KNOW.
Topical Surveys
If you have a question, we can help you get the answer. Whether it surrounds your benefits packages, organizational communication, mergers and acquisitions, company value proposition, or any other topic, we can design a targeted research study to provide you with the information you need to be successful.