Our One-hour briefings are ideal for trade groups, professional associations, conferences, client learning events, etc. Our most popular topics are featured below. Here are a few of the things recent participants had to say…
“You are an excellent presenter, and I took away several good points for consideration as we revamp our hiring practices. Thanks for a great learning experience!”
“Just a note to say thanks for a high quality, content filled presentation. You did a super job.”
“Thank you for an excellent presentation today at the Bluegrass SHRM meeting. You did a great job of taking very technical material and making it relevant and understandable.”
Recent Presentations
Avoiding the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Using Selection Assessments so you Don’t Get Fleeced
It’s happened to the best of us. Despite our best efforts, occasionally we just make a really terrible hiring decision. Perhaps the candidate misrepresented their skill level or had a lousy work ethic. Perhaps they ended up being a poor fit for the culture or couldn’t quite get up to speed. Or perhaps we ended up with an employee who filed a fraudulent medical claim or embezzled money from the company.
Regardless of the severity, mistakes are mistakes– and we pay for them with time, money, employee morale, productivity, customer satisfaction, and more. Rest assured, these mistakes are not a reflection of your competence as an HR professional, but rather a reflection on the inadequacy of the data points we have at our disposal. In this session, we will learn how to integrate objective data from various types of assessment tools that directly correlate with the objectives most important to your business.
Hiring under the Microscope: 5 Steps for Improving the Science of Selection
Metrics, analytics, and big data loom large on the HR radar. However, research shows that objective data plays a surprising small roll in one of the lynchpin functions of HR departments—employee selection. HR practitioners remain unaware of which selection methods are most (and least) predictive, and only 14% of organizations have data to show the business impact of their assessment strategy. With payroll and benefits representing one of the largest line items on virtually every company’s operating statement, effective selection is perhaps HR’s greatest opportunity to significantly impact the bottom line. It’s time for organizations to put hiring under the microscope. In this session, Assessment Strategist Whitney Martin will share 5 steps for creating more evidence-based, scientific, and effective selection processes.
CLIMATE CHANGE! How to measure the Safety Climate in your organization
If you’ve ever been frustrated because the safety initiatives you labored so hard to research and implement failed to have the impact you expected; If your safety efforts appear to be at a plateau; If you want a more revealing metric to measure safety performance… this session is for you. We’ll explore:
- What you can expect to get out of conducting a safety perception survey
- Why “Leading Indicator” safety metrics are critical
- Characteristics of good and bad surveys
- Strategies for administering surveys and analyzing the data
- Pitfalls to avoid
No matter how good your safety efforts are, they will never provide maximum effectiveness until you understand how they will be used by your employees. Safety perception surveys can reveal challenges and opportunities critical to your success.
Navigating the Jungle of Personality Styles
Have you ever noticed how different people can take drastically different approaches to the same challenge, or have a wide range of reactions to the same situation? Have you noticed that some people seem to get along wonderfully while others are “oil and water”? Have you ever wondered why people have such different styles and how to make that work FOR you rather than hinder progress? In this session, we’ll learn how to identify our own personality style and approach, and discover how it impacts our work performance and relationships (for better and worse!). We’ll also learn tips and tricks for quickly identifying the styles of people we work with so we can leverage their strengths, minimize conflict, and maximize cooperation and success!