You have a suspicion, a perception, a guess, or a feeling…but you need to measure, to quantify, to confirm, to KNOW.

Upcoming Presentations

3/25/25, Assess to Select the Best for the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, virtual

4/28/25, Assessing Candidate ABV (Aptitude, Behaviors, and Values), Craft Brewers Conference, Indianapolis IN

Quality Hiring Decisions

No matter how talented, visionary, or strategic your company’s leadership is, they can’t make good decisions without good information. 

 And it is here that ProActive Consulting excels. We provide you with valid, reliable, objective, and insightful information that allows you to make confident decisions about the thing that has the biggest impact on your business—people.

ProActive Thinking

The State of “Skills-First” Hiring

Parallels between my life as an assessment expert and a craft beer connoisseur